For the second half of our time in Ireland we decided to rent a car and see some of the beautiful countryside. We both were a bit nervous about the whole driving situation because not only do you drive on the other side of the road but you have to drive a manual with the opposite hand as well. Needless to say I left the driving up to Matt and happily played the role of navigator with a little help from "the lady" in the GPS. I did say a little prayer as well before we started. It gave me peace of mind... but it made Matt a little more worried.
Even though the streets are incredibly narrow, there are sheep and crazy bicyclists to veer around, and you have to drive at least 60 mph almost all the time... we survived and I have to say we had fun too!
We have done so much and yet it feels like we just arrived. After 3 weeks now in Europe we are in the heat of the big adventure!
It's hard to explain what it's like for me to travel - to put into words the sights, sounds, and smells of a place or even the people and how they look and speak or how their mannerisms illustrate their ingrained history. For me, traveling in Europe is all about how it feels to pass through the same door or walk on the same stone floors that others have also walked on for hundreds of years. You can just feel the stories, the history, surrounding you. Even though sleeping on a bunk in a hostel or taking an all-night bus ride might not be the most glamorous travel
accommodations, it is all worth it when you step foot into the Trinity Library, or stare in wide-eyed wonder at the perfection within in the writing of the Book of Kells. It puts even the small everyday things into perspective!
The internet availability has been sketchy and the way that Matt packs our schedule makes for little to no time to update you all on the things we've seen and done so far. It truly has been an eye opening and amazing experience. I'll do my best to highlight and share with you my favorite parts as often as I can as we continue our journey!